“A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on. Forever.” 

John F. Kennedy


The first thing we do when a client turns to us is to understand and analyze the characteristics of the client and the business.

During a first and in-depth introductory conversation, we will ask the client precise guiding questions that will enable us to determine what the business’s needs are, who their target audience is, and what their aspirations are.

We will then conduct an in-depth analysis and a comprehensive overview of the current situation in which the business is located, including its social media presence, brand awareness, website traffic, branding, etc. 

Based on such analysis and review, we will build a work plan tailored to the business needs, and formulate a tailored marketing strategy and tactics. On the work plan, among other things, we will specify the target audience to which the campaign will be directed.

The work plan we formulate will promote the business on both old and new media platforms, such as newspapers, social networks: such as Facebook and LinkedIn, on the leading and popular websites in Israel, such as Ynet, TheMarker, Calcalist, Calclistech, Bizportal, Walla and more.

And yes, we will build original and unique content for the business website and will do it with a combination of copywriting strategies, website design that converts visitors into Clients, and more. 

The various communication platforms are today flooded with information and content, which can sometimes create a situation in which it will not be possible to promote the content of the business on those traditional platforms due to the heavy load on which they are located.

For this reason, we at Creativity Value have formulated a unique solution that addresses such situations as well. This solution helps maintain business awareness, by promoting on slightly more niche but no less popular platforms than traditional ones, such as podcasts, webinars, meetups, and so on.